The Voice of Manufacturing
Stay informed about the Great Lakes Bay Manufacturing community.
Stay informed about the Great Lakes Bay Manufacturing community.
GLBMA is the regional voice for manufacturing, providing members with access to best practices, talent pipeline development, and educational & networking opportunities.
A highly engaged and growing membership association recognized for enhancing the visibility and economic vitality of manufacturing in our region.
2025 will bring big changes to the way we operate from a human resource standpoint. Are you aware of the changes?
The GLBMA is offering several resources and learning opportunities to ensure you are aware of the changes.
Join us November 14 virtually for Implications of New Minimum Wage & Paid Sick Leave with Brian Calley.
Or January 8 our HR Law Update Summit with Courtney Nichols.
We have also have the following resources provided by Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Advisors
Dept of Labor Presentation Slides
Yeo & Yeo Wage & Sick Time Guide
Implications of New Minimum Wage & Paid Sick Leave with Brian Calley
Michigan Chamber of Commerce Advocacy News - January 9, 2025
SBDC 13 Things you Need to Know
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A SensCy representative will be reaching out to you within 24 hours of submitting this insurance application to General Agency Company and scheduling a time to provide your company with a free SensCy score.
7400 Bay Road, University Center, Michigan 48710 United States
989-964-2881 Mailing Address: 7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:30 pm |
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday: By Appointment
Saginaw manufacturing expanded rapidly through organized efforts by local merchants. Developing the area formally know as Brewster park to become one of the first industrial parks in Saginaw.
They had raised $212,000 to provide free land for new manufacturers, bringing together companies that made matches, plate glass, phonograph cabinets and cash registers.
On January 1st, Joseph P. Tracy assumed the duties of the Merchants and Manufacturers Fund and the Board of Trade. He entered into an agreement with the Grand Truck Railway Company of Canada to lease three lots on Brown Street for $1 a year.
September 19th the Saginaw Manufacturers Association was born. Established by:
Harry Wickes - Wickes Boiler Company & Saginaw's Coal Mining Industry
Max Heavenrich - Heavenrich Clothing
Therodore Huss - Lufkin Rule
Arthur D. Eddy - Salt Works, Flour Mills, Grain Elevators, Coal Washers, and Concrete Pipe Factory
John L. Jackson - Jackson Church, Wilcox Steering Company, and Saginaw Brick
Delbert E. Prall - D.E. Prall & Co.
A.C. Melze - Founder of Merrill, MI
James S. Smart - Wholesale Grocer
Benton Hancl - Lawyer and Bank President
M. Tanner - Fine Dry Goods
Ralph Morley - Hardware Distributor
The organization operated for many years under the Saginaw Manufacturers Association and was based out of the Board of Trade, what is now Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce.
June 1919 the Saginaw Board of Commerce issued Bulletin, Volume 1 Issue number 2. This bulletin was found as part of the James Bockelman estate and shared as part of our history. Give it a look and see if you recognize any of the businesses or names. View scanned version here.
Under the leadership of Grant A. Schaefer with Schaefer Technologies, Inc., the organization once again changes the name and focus of the organization.
The Saginaw Valley Manufacturers' Association began a region focus to address industry wide needs.
The organization was than moved to the Saginaw Valley's Business & Industrial Development Institute at Saginaw Valley State University.
The organization moved to the Saginaw County Business & Education Partnership and updated the name to the Great Lakes Bay Manufacturers Association. Now serving Saginaw, Bay, Midland and Arenac counties with a continued focus on addressing the current needs of manufacturing.
The current board of directors decided to revive the organization. The GLBMA was moved to the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center at Saginaw Valley State University under the direction of Jeremy Bockelman and Tanya Blehm, helping manufacturing succeed in today's ever changing world.
The GLBMA introduced the new "Young Manufacturing Mentors" program. This program is designed to encourage students ages 16 to 35 years of age to explore career paths and to keep talent in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
The GLBMA also relaunched the "Women in Manufacturing" initiative.
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