Ken Horn came from humble beginnings. Born in Detroit to German parents, who fled communist East Germany. As a first-generation American, Ken has come a long way to become one of the staunchest supporters of manufacturing in the Great Lakes Bay region. Ken has lived in Frankenmuth for over 40 years and enjoys spending time with his beautiful family and wonderful grandchildren.
First elected in 1992, Ken was a Saginaw County Commissioner for 16 years before serving in the Michigan House of Representatives for 6 years. Ken served as chairman of the House Energy & Technology Committee.
In 2022, Ken saw the final term in the Michigan Senate come to an end. Ken chaired the Senate Economic and Small Business Development Committee, along with two Senate Appropriations Subcommittees: Capital Outlay and Talent and Economic Development/MEDC.
Ken also served as the vice-chairman of the following committees: Energy and Technology, Education and Career Readiness, and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges. He was also appointed to the Insurance and Banking Committee and Legislative Council.
Ken was instrumental in developing several programs within his time in the House and Senate. Most notable are the Going Pro Talent Fund, Michigan Reconnect, Procurement Technical Assistance program, Autonomous & Roadway funding, Streamline of the Skilled Trades licensing process, Strategic Outreach Attraction and Reserve (SOAR) funding.
Ken has been recognized by various organizations around the state, see list below. After receiving his Michigan Manufacturers Association Legislator of the year award on September 14, 2002, in Lansing, Senator Horn said, “Manufacturing remains the backbone of our economy. It puts Michigan on the map and provides jobs for thousands of our hardest working residents.” “My top priorities have always been keeping jobs here in Michigan and growing our economy.”
Ken holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Concordia University in Ann Arbor. He has completed Michigan State’s Michigan Political Leadership Program, Leadership Saginaw County, and the Saginaw County Vision 2020 One Thousand Leaders Initiative. In 2022, Ken was bestowed Saginaw Valley State University Honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
Michigan Manufacturers Association - Legislator of the Year: 2010, 2015, 2018, 2019, and 2022
Michigan Economic Development Corporation Medalist of the Year: 2022
Great Lakes Bay Regional Chamber Summit/Partners in Growth Individual Achievement Award: 2022
Michigan Disability Network Legislator of the Year: 2022
Michigan Economic Development Corporation Legislator of the Year: 2020
Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association Legislator of the Year: 2019
Michigan Works Legislator of the Year: 2019
Detroit Regional Chamber/Michigan Auto Legislator of the Year: 2016
This scholarship is open to all high school seniors in Arenac, Bay, Midland, and Saginaw counties or members of the Great Lakes Bay Manufactures Association (GLBMA) family member located outside the counties listed above.
This scholarship is available for those pursuing a degree or certificate in advanced manufacturing or skilled trades. The Saginaw Community Foundation now hosts this scholarship on behalf of the GLBMA. Applications are closed for the Fall of 2025 school year. Applications for Fall of 2026 open early 2026 for this scholarship program.
Recognition of the award includes a presentation at your high school (when available) and the GLBMA Golf Outing in September. In addition, you will need to submit a photo and bio for the GLBMA website.
Boaz Qiu graduated from HH Dow High School and will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall of 2024. Boaz plans to study Electrical Engineering before returning to the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Jace Burns graduated from Meridian Early College High School in Sanford. He will be attending Ferris University in the fall of 2024. Jace plans to study Welding in hopes of obtaining a position in Midland.
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